Your Style in Leading and Leading by Two
As leaders we each have our own strengths and styles. No two lead alike. So, understanding your Myers Briggs typology helps you to exploit your particular strengths - and pay attention to where you need to stretch, and where others can really help you. Our free Individual Leadership Style Report helps you see yourself more clearly.
To truly master your style it is vital to understand how you interact others, especially in the vital pairs through which we lead and live. This is why we have created Insight and Strategies Professional Reports - one report designed for pairs at work and the other for personal pairs. By looking at how your style intersects with your pair’s you can unlock the powerful potential of truly effective paired leadership.
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LX2 Insight and Strategies for Pairs™
We all see and experience throughout our lives, however, few are intentionally cultivated, and many end up failing. Research shows that when developed properly, leading pairs are able to generate higher goal achievement, build stronger trust, heighten enjoyment at work, and create an organization that builds stronger trust and effectiveness at all levels. Our Insight and Strategies Report provides you with valuable information to understand, and maximize your vital partnerships, both personal and professional.
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Looking to Get Multiple Reports?
Interested in receiving multiple individual or pair reports for your team or organization? We offer packages, the opportunity to license reports and other services to help you get the most out of your insights.